Monday, March 9, 2009

Home Group Month

March is Home Group Month at New Life, and every week a new home group will be featured. This week is Team PJ home group. The group is mostly for people in the 18-30 year-old range, single or married. They meet at the home of Adam & Lyndie Milfort (co-leaders) in Westfield on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 6:30 pm. They usually pitch in food and share a meal, visit a while, and then have Bible study and prayertime together. They’ve been choosing a different theme for the meal each time like breakfast for dinner, Italian, Mexican, etc. They’re talking about a service project that they can do or sponsor as a group soon. Those with children drop them off at Eric & Lori Shaw’s home and there they are watched by two of the Klotz daughters. In addition to meetings they’ve had times where they just meet for fun, like playing games or watching football on Adam’s massive TV screen. Here are some pictures to enjoy while you consider trying out this home group. You don't have to make any committments, you can go to several home groups to try and find the best one for you.

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