Friday, November 2, 2007

Our Children and Youth

Exciting, exciting things are happening in our children's ministry and youth ministry! The more happy baby feet and chattering youth we have, the better. These are a few reminders, updates, and areas you can pray for. For information on any of the areas, or to be routed to the people mentioned, please call the church office, 867-4717.
Please contact Jenni Sprague if you can provide any of the following for our kids.
  • 1 or 2 sheets of Star shaped stickers.
  • 4 snow cone cups. Does anyone have a snow cone machine?
  • 4 large paper boxes - that hold reams of paper.
  • 3 dozen plain star shaped cookies for November 25th.

There's no better way to celebrate the birth of Christ than through the voices, hearts, and lives of children. Mark December 15th down on your calendar and plan to come to the New Life's Chilren's Christmas recital at 6:30p.m. Kids 18 and under are invited to participate and volunteers are needed to pull everything together. Please contact Joy Bauer for more information.

One of our ministries busting at the seams with happy, growing kids is Crosswalk! Our 5th-7th graders will continue to meet every Wednesday evening, now starting at 6:30 with games. So eat and be ready! For more information, you can contact Brett Brooks or Mark Henry.

The youth are off to State Youth Convention November 9-11th! "Expect the Unexpected" is the theme this year. Let's all pray that every single person present will be blessed, God would be glorified, and that downtown Indianapolis would become holy grounds. Contact Pastor John Crump (867-4717) for more information on our youth ministry, "Elevate."

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